Marys Handmaids (OLOH Knit & Crochet Group)
April 30, 2017 OLOH Shawl Ministry presented the church with prayer shawls. Father Max blessed the shawls at Mass. Members of OLOH who need a prayer shawl will be able to request one. They are made with donated and bought yarn through the support of the Women’s Club. While the shawl is being made many prayers are said for the recipient .The purpose of the prayer shawls is to give comfort, love, and to console the person who receives it. Our ministry is showing the person empathy, and compassion, while they are facing a crisis in their lives.
The KnitWits of OLOH delivered 323+ baby hats and 36 baby blankets to Clarendon Hospital on Nov. 18th, 2015.
The OLOH women's club of OLOH helps to support this ministry. We invite anyone (regardless of religious affiliation) that would like to learn how to knit or crochet to join our group on tne 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1 to 3pm at OLOH.
The OLOH women's club of OLOH helps to support this ministry. We invite anyone (regardless of religious affiliation) that would like to learn how to knit or crochet to join our group on tne 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1 to 3pm at OLOH.